The team at PaperCut Software is always happy to help with any questions or problems. To help streamline the identification and resolution of issues, it’s important to take some additional time to submit details. This page offers some tips on the type of information the support teams and developers will find useful.
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General Information A general description of the problem including the exact text of any error messages that have appeared. Screen-shots can often help explain a problem. The operating system(s) used on both the server and workstation. The version of PaperCut. This information is located under the “About” section in the PaperCut Admin interface or Administration Console. Please submit the full number (i.e. PaperCut NG 12.2 (Build 17368)). Information about related components such as model and make of printer or other software you think is involved. If the problem relates to a current or past reported issue, please report your previous issue number (usually listed in the subject of the support email). Print Tracking Related Problems Review the options presented in this KB article first. Please report the full model and make of printer. This will help the developers correlate problems with other reported issues for that make of printer. Any information on the printer driver such as type (i.e. the Postscript driver, PCL 6 driver, etc.). This information is often listed under: Start→Settings→Printers Right-click on the printer and select Properties… Click the Advanced Tab. If the problem relates to a page count or attribute detection issue (general print tracking), the developers may find a print-to-file useful. Internet Charging/Quota Related Problems Please report the type and version of the proxy server. A sample log file or a section of the log file may also be useful. Enabling Debug and Inspecting Logs The PaperCut Application Log in the Log section can sometimes offer insight into the cause of problems. Please inspect this log for messages and report anything of interest to the developers.
The following log files may contain useful information:
Often the developers will request that you “enable debug” to troubleshoot an issue. Depending on what debugging is required, this process differs.
If you’re having issues with page counts not being correct, or jobs not coming out of the printer, then you should enable debug in the Print Provider, which is in charge of most printing functions. To do that, follow these steps.
For any other problems you’re seeing, ranging from authentication to options not working as intended, then you should enable debug in the Application Server by following these steps.
If you’re not sure which debug logs are required, it’s best to enable and collect both logs so we have as much information to help as possible.
Communication Please see the Contact Us page for contact details. If the problem is urgent please feel free to call us on the number and times listed. We’re always happy to help via phone, email, internet chat or voice over IP technologies!
Contacting us at PaperCut Support is the best way to make initial contact. This way you’ll be automatically allocated an issue tracking number that can be used to reference and track your request.
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