Microsoft Azure gives administrators control over when end users can grant consent to applications, and when they must request administrator approval.
If administrator approval is required for all applications, the Microsoft Azure administrator will need to perform an extra setup step to allow users to scan to Microsoft OneDrive with either PaperCut Hive or PaperCut MF.
The first time PaperCut Hive or PaperCut MF users use the scan feature to scan to Microsoft OneDrive, they receive an email asking them to authorize PaperCut.
Without this additional configuration, when users click Authorize they’ll see the following screen, which stops them from continuing until an administrator gives authorization.
1. Authorizing the PaperCut app for your Microsoft Azure tenancy Use the URL for your region (listed below) to authorize the PaperCut application for your Microsoft Azure tenancy. Select the correct PaperCut product, data processing or tenancy location, and scan destination.
When visiting the URL, you’ll be prompted to authorize either Scans for PaperCut Hive or Scans for PaperCut MF. Here’s an example of the Microsoft screen that’s displayed. This screen will vary based on the product and storage destination you authorize.
Important Please note that an error message might be displayed after accepting the requested permissions (“Oops! Something went wrong!”). You can ignore it. To confirm if authorization was successful, check that the Enterprise App has been created in your Microsoft Azure Admin Interface. PaperCut Hive URLs Choose the section based on the hosting location of your PaperCut Hive tenancy.
USA SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business Europe (Germany) SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business United Kingdom SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business Australia SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business PaperCut MF URLs In PaperCut MF, the PaperCut Cloud Services hosting region is configured in the admin interface. Check out our Configure advanced Integrated Scanning (config keys) article for more details.
For PaperCut MF, if you offer users both OneDrive and SharePoint destinations you might need to use multiple URLs .
USA SharePoint Online OneDrive for Business Europe (Germany) SharePoint Online OneDrive for Business United Kingdom SharePoint Online OneDrive for Business Australia SharePoint Online OneDrive for Business 2. Final checks After authorization is successful, go to your Microsoft Azure admin interface and check that either Scans for PaperCut MF or Scans for PaperCut Hive is listed as an enterprise app .
Users can now start scanning to Microsoft OneDrive and SharePoint Online.
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