You will be able to find this information on the login screen for the product you're using.
Check this box if you have one or more PaperCut MF subscriptions
If you're running PaperCut NG or PaperCut MF, this can be found on the 'Help' page (or 'About' page on older versions) in your PaperCut Admin interface. Otherwise, if you're running PaperCut Mobility Print by itself, this will be in the Mobility Print admin interface near the bottom of the screen.
Your organization ID can be found in your Pocket or Hive URL, for example or
You can find this information on the 'About' tab of your PaperCut Admin interface.
Start with telling us about this problem from the perspective of an end user. What is the symptom or error message? Include the exact error text if possible. Please share any other useful context and background too!