Konica Minolta copiers can run the PaperCut embedded application, allowing users to log in, scan, and release print jobs. But sometimes, things don’t go as planned.
For general issues, our Troubleshooting PaperCut MF Embedded Devices article is a great first step. When working with Konica Minolta devices specifically, the Device Status window in PaperCut MF may present a telling error message that can be key to troubleshooting.
When troubleshooting a Konica Minolta device, go to Devices > select the device > Device Status, and look for an error.
In this article, we’ve listed common errors we’ve seen during troubleshooting, along with tips shared by customers that helped resolve the issues.
Error: WebDAV content upload … failed: HTTP: 404 Not Found. Full error message:
Started (with errors) There was an error communicating with the device. Setup will be retried at 09:19:34 AM. To retry now, press "Apply" below. Error: WebDAV content upload to "" failed: Connection timed out: connect. This error message is often seen at the same time as “Error: changeAuthenticationSetting: error=8, message=Not exist static screen”.
Several customers have reported this was an issue with a firewall appliance that their network team was able to resolve.
Error: clearUserProperties: error=1, message=AppReqExtClearUserProperties→BoxProcessing.Type Full error message:
Started (with errors) - There was an error communicating with the device. Setup will be retried at 12:44:53 PM. To retry now, press "Apply" below. Error: clearUserProperties: error=1, message=AppReqExtClearUserProperties→BoxProcessing.Type This was addressed with PaperCut 17.4.0 with the release note “Konica Minolta (OpenAPI): i-Option: Removed an unnecessary Device Status error message during PaperCut MF device registration.”
Additionally, some customers who encountered this error said it was resolved by upgrading their Konica Minolta devices to a newer firmware.
Error: changeAuthenticationSetting: error=8, message=Not exist static screen Full error message:
Started (with errors) There was an error communicating with the device. Setup will be retried at 12:32:09 PM. To retry now, press "Apply" below. Error: changeAuthenticationSetting: error-8, message=Not exist static screen This error may have multiple causes as several different solutions have been reported. It’s possible this is a catch-all error message with multiple root causes. More investigation is needed, but here’s what we’ve seen in connection with this error so far.
Some customers reported they resolved this issue by logging onto the printer’s web interface to enable webDAV. One customer said this had been disabled by their security team to harden the network.
Another customer reported this occurred after the IP address of the printer that had changed. The fix was to log into the printer’s web interface and change the webDAV SSL settings from non-SSL/SSL to SSL in Network > webDAV > Server Settings
Other customers reported this was resolved with by re-entering the admin password for the device in PaperCut MF, configuring the device to point to the correct server address, or setting up a new PaperCut MF server.
Error: changeAuthenticationSetting: error=8, message=SSL Full error message:
Started (with errors) - OpenAPI SSL support not configured - Please check device settings. Setup will be retried at 02:48:13 PM. To retry now, press "Apply" below. Error: changeAuthenticationSetting: error=8, message=SSL OpenAPI refers to Konica Minolta’s proprietary API that allows apps like the PaperCut embedded application PaperCut to run.
Some customers have reported resolving this error after changing these two settings through the admin web interface of their Konica Minolta device:
Update the TCP Socket setting on the device to enable SSL/TLS. Set the OpenAPI settings to SSL Only. That being said, SSL issues can be complex to troubleshoot so we’re not sure if this fix will apply to every situation or if there are other root causes.
Error: login: error=9, message=fail DeviceLock Full error message:
Started (with errors) - Unable to configure device. There is a device issue (e.g. no paper, paper jam) or someone is logged in to the device's web interface or panel. Setup will be retried at 10:23:31 AM. To retry now, press "Apply" below. Error: login: error=9, message=fail DeviceLock This error message has not been seen recently and reports tapered off around 2019.
Some customers reported this was resolved by power cycling the printer. Another customer said there was an error on the panel of the printer, and they were able to embed the device after their copier technician cleared the error.
This error was addressed with PaperCut MF 16.0 with the release note “Fixed an issue causing a device to lock up and require a restart when upgrading PaperCut.”
Error: login: error=9, message=error Full error message:
Started with errors - device registered a fault or a component reached end of life. Setup will be retried at 10:44. To retry now press apply below. Error: login: error=9, message=error This has been seen to happen when a consumable like the ozone filter, transfer belt, or toner filter, has been consumed and requires replacement and the error message reset by a Konica Minolta technician.
Contact your hardware vendor for further assistance.
Error: login: error=12, message=no permission Full error message:
Started (with errors) - device error: login: error=12, message=no permission - Error: login: error=12, message=no permission This message usually indicates that the admin credentials you’ve entered in PaperCut MF to connect to the device are wrong. Try using the same username and password that you enter when logging into the admin interface of the device.
Error: setApplication: error=21, message=Can not use Browser Full error message:
Setup will be retried at 04:03:07 PM. To retry now, press "Apply" below. Error: setApplication: error=21, message=Can not use Browser This error usually presents when the web browser setting is disabled. Revisit the Konica Minolta Embedded Guide, section 2.3.1 Configure OpenAPI Settings to ensure the device has a Web browser installed and activated.
Confirm that the Web Browser is listed under Administrator Settings > License Settings > List of Enabled functions on the device. If that’s missing, you may need to contact your Konica Minolta dealer and obtain the LK101 upgrade kit and install the browser license on each of your devices (via Install License function in the License Settings).
Error: setApplication: error=23, message=CMS Validity Check Error(1) Full error message:
“Started (with errors) - Solution key validation error - Device region may not be supported. Error: setApplication: error=23, message=CMS Validity Check Error(1)" We’ve seen this happen in some regions with Konica Minolta OpenAPI version 4.0.
Please reach out to PaperCut and mention “PC-17659” if you encounter this error.
Error: setApplication: error=29, message=CMS MFP Setting Check Error Full error message:
“Started (with errors) - There was an error communicating with the device Error: setApplication: error=29, message=CMS MFP Setting Check Error” This error is usually associated with the KonicaMinolta switch 43, which is a device-side switch. To resolve the problem, you can reach out to your hardware vendor or service provider and inquire about setting the switch to “0x03.”
At least one other customer added that this was resolved after setting switch 43 to “03” and switch 25 to “20”.
Error=73, message=An unsupported OpenAPI version was specified This error can occur when you are attempting to embed a KM device due to the ‘Marketing Area’ setting on the device being unsupported.
The PaperCut MF embedded application for Konica Minolta currently supports the following ‘Marketing Area’ values: “Japan”, “US”, “Europe”, “Others 2”, or “Others 5”.
If this is set to “Others 1”, “Others 3”, or “Others 4”, installation will fail.
To change the ‘Marketing Area’, a KM certified Engineer will be required to enter ‘Service Mode’:
Enter Service Mode Press ‘System 1’ → ‘Marketing Area’ Set the ‘Marketing Area’ to a supported region Press ‘End’ and then ‘Exit’ Restart the device. The device should now embed without error.
More Konica Minolta Troubleshooting Here are a few other things you can try with the help of your PaperCut Partner that seem to work in a variety of situations.
Power-cycle the device: Restarting the MFD can often resolve common issues by resetting its state. Check firmware: Work with your reseller to ensure the MFD is running the manufacturer’s recommended firmware version for compatibility and performance. Toggle device integration:
Navigate to Devices > select the device in question > Advanced Config tab > use the “Quick Find” search bar. Set ext-device.integration.enabled to N and click Update. Set ext-device.konica-minolta.force-app-registration to Y and click Update. Power off the MFD, wait one minute, then turn it back on. In the Summary tab, check the status window. If it says “Started: Stopped integration,” set ext-device.integration.enabled back to Y, click Update, and power-cycle the MFD again. Reset capabilities files:
Capabilities files act as a cache for device settings. Resetting them can resolve issues. Navigate to [app-path]\server\data\devices (e.g., C:\Program Files\PaperCut MF\server\data\devices on 64-bit Windows). Log into the PaperCut admin interface. Go to Devices and select the device with the issue. In the URL, find the number after =l (likely 4-5 digits, like 34034). Move the file matching that number to your desktop. Restart the PaperCut Application Server. A new file will be created, and you should be able to log back in. Try clearing the MapDB files:
MapDB files help PaperCut manage its database efficiently. Leftover files can sometimes cause issues with KM devices. This was more of an issue prior to the 20.0.3 release of PaperCut MF. The steps to clear these files are documented here: Clearing MapDB Files but this shouldn’t normally be required for troubleshooting.
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