Troubleshooting PaperCut Pocket & Hive Login You might be trying to log in to the Pocket or Hive admin interface, and you’re sure you’re using the right credentials, but still seeing an error when trying to log in? In this article, we unpack some of the scenarios that can cause this error.
Error: “Invalid email or password” Check the obvious. Make sure num-luck or caps lock isn’t left on, and that you’re signing in with the correct email address.
Try resetting the password. Click the Forgot your password link on the page to try resetting the password. This should be an option if you initially signed up with email as opposed to the single sign-on methods using Microsoft or Google.
Not getting the password reset email? Check your spam or junk or clutter folder, and make sure you’re submitting the correct email address for the reset request. Let us know if you’re still having trouble. Use the same login method you signed up with. If you initially signed up using Google or Microsoft login, you won’t be able to log in with a username and password. Why? Email verification isn’t completed when signing up with Google or Microsoft. So, email and password logins only work if you signed up with Email & Password first.
Error: “You already have an account, enter your existing credentials and log in instead.” This specific error is seen when trying to log in with a Pocket or Hive administrator account which has the same email address as an existing printing user.
To resolve, have another Pocket or Hive administrator account log in and delete the print user. Keep in mind that the print history for this user will be lost.
Navigate to Users Click on the 3 dots next to the user in question and choose Delete. Then follow the normal process to invite the admin user. Error: “An account already exists with the same email address but different sign-in credentials.” When this occurs, users will be unable to log in to PaperCut Hive or Pocket. Here’s the full error message: “Something went wrong - Firebase: An account already exists with the same email address but different sign-in credentials. Sign in using a provider associated with this email address. (auth/account-exists-with-different-credential)”.
Why does this happen? The identify platform used by Hive does not support account linking in some scenarios. The known scenarios so far are:
If you initially signed in with Continue with Microsoft, and used the Personal account setting, you cannot now use the Work or school account option. You must continue to use the Personal account setting. If you previously signed up with the Email & password option, you cannot now link the account via a Microsoft 0Auth connection. If you signed up as an administrator with a Microsoft Personal account, then are invited as a user and sign up with Work or school account. This will fail as the email for the administrator account is linked to the Personal account. To login via a different method, you can remove both administrator and printing user accounts associated with the email address. Then re-invite the user so they can authenticate with their preferred account.
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