While the PaperCut Pocket/Hive Edge Node Print Client is designed to be reliable and updated regularly, occasionally issues may arise. This article outlines some commonly seen issues encountered by our customers, along with explanations of how to solve them.
Common Issues PaperCut Printer stating it’s “Unavailable”: A linking token is necessary for the Print Client to establish its communication and it relies on the user opening and clicking on the link in their invitation email. Verify that the user has interacted with the invitation email, and check for the existence of the userclient.ident file in their AppData folder.
For example, C:\Users\[Username\]\AppData\Local\Programs\PaperCut Hive\data\config.
If only a single only uses their computer, this only needs to be completed once by this user.
If multiple users all use the same computer, each and every user needs to accept their own invitation email, even if the PaperCut Client and Service are already installed and running on the computer. This is in order for each user to create their own individual userclient.ident file in their separate user’s AppData folder location. In this scenario, all other users must be fully logged out of the computer when running through the invitation email steps for this to be successful.
Print Client not running: First ensure that all the required services are running, including the Print Client, Print Client Service, and Edge Node Service. This can be checked by looking at Task Manager in Windows and the Activity Monitor is macOS. In some cases, antivirus software or managed operating system policies may terminate the Print Client Service.
The pc-print-client-service.exe is responsible for ensuring that pc-print-client.exe is running. If this service fails to start, check if the corresponding Windows Registry Key is present:
Some of the errors that can show when the services are not running are:
“Unable to Connect” during printing “Unable to open Queue” when users try to open the queue to see if a job has been submitted “Printer Properties cannot be displayed” is shown when trying to open the “Properties” of the PaperCut Printer.
Port 9265 is blocked or isbeing used by another program: The pc-print-client.exe operates on HTTP port 9265. If this port is blocked or occupied by another program (“Chrome Web Helper” on macOS is notorious), it can hinder the functionality of the PaperCut Printer. Use the appropriate following commands to check the port’s current status:
Windows: netstat -ano | find "9265"
macOS: sudo lsof -nP -i:9265 | grep LISTEN
Unable to download the latest version: if your site’s firewall is blocking our required ports for installation, the installation will fail. Please refer to our other Knowledge Base article here.
Windows clients require the Windows IPP Client to be installed, which can be found and enabled in Windows Features. This is found in Print and Document Services > Internet Printing Client. When installing the Windows Edge Node Service, this must be performed with administrator-level permissions in order for it complete. If the Windows Print Spooler is unresponsive during installation, this can cause the installation to fail. Restart this service by opening services.msc, find “Print Spooler” and inspect its current status. Stop the service and then restart it. If the service will not restore, shut down your computer, start it up again and then check your “Print Spooler” status and resume the installation. The hostname for Windows must not exceed 15 characters as this is a legacy NetBIOS limitation. The Windows Group Policy “Turn off printing over HTTP” will stop functionality. Verify if the “DisableHTTPPrinting” policy is enabled using the command gpresult /r /v in the Command Prompt app. macOS
The Client can fail to install if CUPS is not currently running, check the Activity Monitor to confirm this and restart it if it is not running or has stopped. This can be done in the Terminal:
sudo launchctl stop org.cups.cupsd
sudo launchctl start org.cups.cupsd
The Client will need sudo-level permissions to run the client installation or an account with administrator-level privileges, otherwise, it will fail.
If you’re still having issues with the PaperCut Pocket or PaperCut Hive Print Client or Service please contact our support team for further assistance.
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