Mobility Print Server logs In the Mobility Print Admin web interface, click on the three vertical dots (⋮) upper right corner. Select Download Logs. This new log file should be saved to your Downloads folder, please send it to PaperCut support along with some important details: Date/time the problem occurred IP address of the client you are printing from Username Name of any printed documents It’s also possible to manually download the log files from these locations:
Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\PaperCut Mobility Print\data\logs\pc-mobility-print.log Mac: Applications > PaperCut Mobility Print > data > logs Linux: /home/papercut/pc-mobility-print/data/logs Windows Client Logs (Printer discovery with mDNS and DNS) When the Windows Mobility Print Printer Setup utility runs, a log file is automatically for troubleshooting purposes. We may ask you to send this to us if you are having trouble discovering or setting up Mobility Print queues on your Windows workstations.
Attempt to run the Mobility Print installer as you normally would. Open Windows Explorer and browse to the %TEMP% directory. The file path is usually C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Temp. In the %TEMP% folder, you will see a log file that was created on the day you ran the Mobility Print Printer Setup install, example: setup log 2017–3−7. macOS and Windows Cloud Print Client Logs The PaperCut Mobility Print Cloud Print Client differs from the client used for local printing (mDNS, DNS and Known Host). Find the logs for the Cloud Print client in the following directories.
Application log:
C:\Program Files\PaperCut Mobility Print Client\data\logs\mobility-print-client.log User context service; compress this folder to send its entire contents:
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\PaperCutMobilityPrintClient MacOS:
\Applications\PaperCut Mobility Print Client\data\logs\pc-mobility-print-client.log Windows Client Logs (Printer discovery with known host only) When running the installer, run it with /log flag and specify the value to the desired log file destination, e.g. mobility-print-printer-setup-235[mobility-server.lan] /LOG=“install.log”
MacOS Client Logs (Printer discovery with known host only) When you run the MacOS installer, it will create a folder under Applications called PaperCut Mobility Print Client. In this folder, you’ll see a file called installer.log.
Android Client Logs Make sure you are running the latest version of the Android app, which can be downloaded here. Click on the Settings icon in the app. Move the slider to “Enable error reporting” and take a note of the “Log ID”. Then try to discover the printers as you would normally. Send the Log ID to PaperCut support. Chrome Client Logs Open the Extensions menu in Chrome by going to chrome://extensions in the address bar. Check the box for “Developer Mode” Under the Mobility Print extension click “background page”. Info If you can’t find this section, you may be in a managed environment where this is disabled. If you’re the admin, please see the steps to enable Developer Tools provided here. In the new Developer Tools window, click on the Console tab.Click on the Ø symbol to clear any unrelated log files before beginning.Now try to reproduce the problem at this point. (If the issue is printer discovery then click on the ⋮ symbol in Chrome, choose Print and then Change to force printer discovery.)Then back in the Developer Tools window, right-click on any white space and choose “Save as…”This new log file should be saved to your Downloads folder, please send it to PaperCut support. Enabling Chrome Developer Tools in a Managed Environment Go to the Google Chrome Enterprise admin page Navigate to Devices Expand the Chrome dropdown on the left-hand side Then expand the Settings dropdown Select the Device option under the Settings dropdown Select the User & Browser Settings tab at the top of the page Search for Developer Tools and change to Always allow use of built-in developer tools . For more information about Mobility Print, check out the Mobility Print Help Center.
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