Apply for a license exception or variation The PaperCut NG user license is based on the number of user accounts listed under Users > User List in the PaperCut NG admin interface. In some cases, an organisation’s domain/network may contain a number of inactive or inappropriate user accounts. (This is a common situation in higher-education).
By default, PaperCut will factor in all accounts in the sync source when calculating and verifying its license. If the user count cannot be reduced using the technical/procedural methods outlined here, the organization can apply for an exception to be reviewed. If the license exception has been approved, this would mean that the organization will be issued a special license that covers all users in the Sync Source under the condition that the active user count remains below the official license limit. Active print users are defined as follows:
Education - The current on-campus student and staff count. Business - The number of users who have access to printers and print at least one time per year. Setting the Sync Source Prior to applying for a license exception please set the sync source to the smallest sync source that you can use. You can use the Import users from selected groups to select only the groups and OUs that you require. Doing this will ensure that fewer extraneous user accounts are added to PaperCut.
There are other ways to limit your user count in PaperCut. Please visit the following page to see the list of the solutions that may be appropriate for your needs. If the listed solutions are not appropriate, you may be able to apply for a user exception.
Do I need a license exception?
Application Process Given that you’ve been through the options detailed here, and you’re unable to do what we’ve recommended, you may be able to apply for a license exception.
We’ve included a couple of examples below for an Educational Organization or for a Business to help get you started.
PaperCut MF licenses Since the 1st of April 2019 our licensing for PaperCut MF has changed so that it’s based on device count and features, rather than user count. Have a chat with your PaperCut MF Reseller or your PaperCut MF ASC for more information.
If you do not know your Reseller’s contact details, you can find this on the About tab in the PaperCut MF Admin Interface… or reach out at our online contact form (select Sales enquiry) and have a chat with us!
PaperCut NG licenses Take a look at the exception request process further down the page and after completing it, please send your request for a license exception to .
License Exception Request We require both points 1 and 2:
1. A written letter, scanned letter on letterhead, or an email from your organisation email address including:
Your CRN (Customer Reference Number - this can be found the About tab in the PaperCut NG Administrator console.) The total number of users currently in the Sync Source. The current/expected number of active print users (see definition above). A brief explanation of why an exception is required. Examples include: Extra users are archived accounts that must remain on our system for some time. Users are at a different site. We have distance education students who rarely attend campus. I can’t use Import users from selected groups to import only the users I need. An indication that you will endeavour to ensure that the “active user” count will always remain below the official license limit. An indication that you will be happy to supply a report or copy of the database at most once a year so PaperCut may verify the active user count (We will destroy all data after verification). 2. Attach an Executive Summary report for the previous 12 months (PaperCut Admin console → Reports → Executive Summary). If you’ve been a customer for less than 12 months, just send us what you have.
Conditions Applications for license exceptions should be made after the license has been purchased. License exceptions are only available to customers with valid Maintenance and Support (M&S) - or the Implementation Pack. If a license exception is granted to you, this is not a guarantee of it being permanently applied. There is the expectation that if your active user count exceeds your number of users purchased, you will inform us and increase your license count. You also agree that you will provide a copy of your Executive Summary report from your PaperCut Admin console whenever requested by an Authorised PaperCut representative. This may be your Reseller, Authorised Solution Centre or PaperCut. Example for an Educational Organisation: I, Mr Jones, the IT Manager of XYZ University (CRN: X-0XXX0X), would like to formally apply for a license exception for PaperCut NG. The smallest Sync Source that we can configure using Import users from selected groups is: # of Users, and our organization is currently licensed for # of Users and I would like an extended license to cover all # of Users user accounts. The remaining accounts will not print as Insert Reason Here.
I understand that increasing the number of users in PaperCut could have implications to overall printing performance.
We will notify PaperCut software if the number of campus attending students plus staff exceeds our # of Users user limit. We are also happy for PaperCut Software to request a copy of a report or database data to verify our active user count. For your records, please find attached a copy of our executive summary, screenshot of the dashboard showing the number of users imported and an email from our student records department detailing our current on-campus student count and staff numbers as of this term. This will allow you to verify our # of Users active user request.
Example for a Business: I, Mr Jones, the IT Manager of XYZ Company (CRN: X-0XXX0X), would like to formally apply for a license exception for PaperCut NG. The smallest Sync Source that we can configure using Import users from selected groups is: # of Users, and our organization is currently licensed for # of Users and I would like an extended license to cover all # of Users user accounts. The remaining accounts will not print as Insert Reason Here.
I understand that increasing the number of users in PaperCut could have implications to overall printing performance.
We will notify PaperCut software if the number of users exceeds our # of Users user limit. We are also happy for PaperCut Software to request a copy of a report or database data to verify our active user count. For your records, please find attached a copy of our executive summary and a screenshot of the dashboard of the number of imported users.
Note: The request should be via email or letter (i.e. not over the ‘phone), and sent by an organisation official. It is kept on file in our sales system for copyright licensing reasons.
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