The PaperCut Pocket & Hive Edge Node Print Client is key to printing successfully but there are many considerations when getting it to work with each operating system we support. Below we’ll dive into the considerations when installing it and getting it to work seamlessly.
Windows Print Client (pc-print-client.exe)
Version: The Print Client version can be found at C:\Program Files\[PaperCut Pocket or PaperCut Hive]. Inside this installation root, you’ll find additional folders for separate updated version installations, the most recent date will be the current version of the client that is running. The folders are named in the format “vYear-Month-Day-Build Number”. Printer Driver: By default, it utilizes the PaperCut Global PostScript Driver for print job submission. It can also use a manufacturer’s driver if configured in the “Queues & Drivers” section of the Administrator GUI. Launcher Process: The Print Client executes a launcher process during user logon. Communication Ports: It communicates through HTTPS Ports 443 and 9264, as well as HTTP Port 9265. Web Host for PaperCut Printer Port: The PaperCut Printer Port is accessible at http://localhost:9265/printers/papercut. User Context: The Print Client runs in the user context session and requires a valid token for authentication. Edge Node Communication and Updates: It receives updates from the Cloud regarding known active Edge Nodes and checks their accessibility every minute. The Cloud communicates on the endpoints and ports outlined in our system requirements page for the relevant software product. Print Client Service (pc-print-client-service.exe)
Installation Location: The Print Client Service is located at C:\Program Files\[PaperCut Pocket or PaperCut Hive]\pc-edgenode-service.exe. Launcher Process: It launches and monitors the Print Client, restarting it if it crashes or is terminated. Registry Entry: The Print Client Service can be found in the registry at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\. The registry key is named (Default). Service Location: The Edge Node Service executable is located at C:\Program Files\[PaperCut Pocket or PaperCut Hive]\pc-edgenode-service.exe. Security Context: The service runs as a Local System session. Communication Ports: It uses HTTPS Ports 443 (Cloud) and 9264 (Edge Mesh). Edge Nodes: Edge nodes collaborate to form a mesh network for print job processing (receiving, analyzing, encrypting, replicating and printing print jobs). Most notable processes launched: pc-notification-listener: Reports Edge Mesh IP address changes to the Cloud and online/offline status (this is triggered when less than 50% of the total Edge Nodes are active). pc-printer-discovery: Scans local print queues, reads the SNMP MIB, and reports devices to the Cloud. pc-print-monitor: Monitors printer state via SNMP (consumables, error state etc.). pc-printjob-processor: Manages job control, document URI access, queue errors, and clean-up. pc-printjob-spooler: Delivers print jobs via Queue or IPP/IPPS port 631/443 to printers. ps2pdf (GhostTrap): Converts PostScript (PS) files to PDF format. macOS Print Client (pc-print-client)
Version: The Print Client version can be found at ~/Library/[PaperCut Pocket or PaperCut Hive]. Inside this installation root, you find additional folders for separate updated version installations, the most recent date will be the current version of the client that is running. The folders are named in the format “vYear-Month-Day-Build Number”. Printer Driver: By default, it utilizes the PaperCut Global PostScript Driver for print job submission. It can also use a manufacturer’s driver if configured in the “Queues & Drivers” section of the Administrator GUI. Launcher Process: The Print Client is executed from the launcher process during user logon. Communication Ports: It communicates through HTTPS Ports 443 and 9264, as well as HTTP Port 9265. Web Host for PaperCut Printer Port: The PaperCut Printer Port is accessible at http://localhost:9265/printers/papercut. User Context: The Print Client runs in the user context session and requires a valid token for authentication. Edge Node Communication and Updates: It receives updates from the Cloud regarding known active Edge Nodes and checks their accessibility every minute. The Cloud communicates on the endpoints and ports outlined in our system requirements page for the relevant software product. Print Client Service (pc-print-client-service)
Installation Location: The Print Client Service is located at ~/Library/[PaperCut Pocket or PaperCut Hive]. Launcher Process: It launches and monitors the Print Client, restarting it if crashes or is terminated. Service Location: The Edge Node Service is located at ~/Library/[PaperCut Pocket or Hive]. Security Context: The service runs as a Local System session. Communication Ports: It uses HTTPS Ports 443 (Cloud) and 9264 (Edge Mesh). Edge Nodes: Edge nodes collaborate to form a mesh network for print job processing (receiving, analyzing, encrypting, replicating and printing print jobs). Most notable processes launched: pc-notification-listener: Reports Edge Mesh reports IP address changes to the Cloud and online/offline status (this is triggered when less than 50% of the total Edge Nodes are active). pc-printer-discovery: Scans local print queues, reads SNMP MIB, and reports devices to the Cloud. pc-print-monitor: Monitors printer state via SNMP (consumables, error state etc.). pc-printjob-processor: Manages job control, document URI access, queue errors, and clean-up. pc-printjob-spooler: Delivers print jobs via Queue or IPP/IPPS port 631/443 to printers. ps2pdf (GhostTrap): Converts PostScript (PS) files to PDF format. iOS Print Client (PaperCut Pocket app or PaperCut Hive app)
Installation: find the app on the Apple App Store. iOS Profile (AirPrint): Settings > General > VPN & Device Management > Configuration Profile > PaperCut Printer Setup > Authenticate > Install Processes & Functions: PaperCut Printer for submission of print jobs. iOS Profile (AirPrint) is used instead of getting the Edge Node list from the Cloud, unlike other Operating Systems. Limitations: Requires a Cloud Node or Super Node for communication on HTTPS ports 443 or 9264. Profile updates may be necessary if there are changes in the Edge Mesh (Super Nodes). ChromeOS Print Client (Google Chrome Extension)
Processes & functions: Extension that provides the PaperCut Printer for print job submission. Uses HTTP Port 9263 for communication. Edge Node list: It receives the Edge Node list from the Cloud. Print Process: Before transferring to the Edge Mesh, PDFs are encrypted. During printing, Edge Nodes are pinged to check availability. Android Print Client (PaperCut Pocket App or PaperCut Hive App)
Installation: find the app on the Google Play Store. Processes & functions: Edge Node Finder: Updates the Edge Node list received from the Cloud. Job Delivery: Uses the printProviderAPI for job submission. Ports: HTTPS: Ports 443 (Cloud) and 9264 (Edge Mesh). Once an edge node is installed and working correctly, it’s up to your system administrator to decide what type of edge node it will act as within your organization’s edge mesh.
Edge Node Types Super: Prioritized by the Cloud for all activities in the edge mesh. Super Nodes are required to print via the “Local Queue Only” delivery method and for certain manufacturers’ MFDs to operate properly . The default type for edge nodes running server class operating system installs (Windows & macoS). Standard: Capable of discovery, replication, and printing. The default type on Windows, macOS, etc. Passive: The service is running but it is the lowest priority for printer discovery, print replication or printing. A good candidate for edge node clients who regularly move between networks and geographical sites. Edge Node Printing Priority Lists When a print queue’s default delivery method is set to “Auto” or the Custom Primary Delivery Method is set to ”Local Queue Delivery” we prioritise Edge Nodes in the following order:
Super Nodes hosting print queues. Standard Edge Nodes hosting print queues. Super Nodes not hosting print queues Standard Edge Nodes not hosting print queues. Passive Edge Nodes (only if no other Edge Nodes are available). When a print queue’s Custom Primary Delivery Method is set to ”IPP” we prioritise Edge Nodes in the following order:
Super Nodes not hosting print queues Standard Edge Nodes not hosting print queues. Super Nodes hosting print queues. Standard Edge Nodes hosting print queues. Passive Edge Nodes (only if no other Edge Nodes are available). In addition to the priority lists above, if all Edge Nodes are of the same equal type, the Cloud service chooses a printing Edge Node depending on the following:
If a document’s URI is accessible. IPP/IPPS checks and the print queue’s readiness (for example, if a print queue is in error or has a paused status). The Edge Node’s subnet. The Cloud Node The Cloud Node is not considered a print candidate. However, it can do the following:
Hold paused print jobs, but can only release to locally installed edge nodes. Allows your separate geographical sites to communicate with each other whether you’re at the café, on the road or in a different country, city or building. Encrypt your documents and then permanently and immediately delete them after being printed, cancelled, or timing out based on your settings. When enabled, it is applied globally to all users automatically. No action is required (unless printing from iOS, in which case we prompt to install a new profile). If you’re having issues with the PaperCut Pocket/Hive Edge Node Print Client or Service please consult our troubleshooting documentation or contact our support team for further assistance.
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