Some PaperCut customers with Windows clients have requested an MSI-based installation method for the PaperCut MF and NG user client that would create an entry allowing uninstalling within Windows Control Panel Programs & Features.
Customers also requested that our pc-client.exe file have a version number for tracking version history, which is especially important for Help Desk staff.
However, since our installer is user specific, only the user who ran the installation can see the program entry in the Windows Control Panel Add/Remove Programs interface. This is a limitation for some customer sites.
Solution One customer solved this dilemma by installing the client via command line using this syntax:
msiexec /i pc-client-admin-deploy.msi /qn /norestart ALLUSERS=1
(displays no user interface, no restart option, global settings to apply for all users)
Take a look at the “Deployment on Windows via silent installer MSI” section of the Install the User Client on Windows page for more info.
This link has more Windows MSI Installer Command Line installation options: Other articles Deploying print queues using Microsoft Intune and Print Deploy Bulk deployment options for the PaperCut Pocket and Hive client
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