For large managed macOS environments, it is generally not feasible to install the User Client ( by hand on each workstation. This document will explain some best practices for automated deployment of the User Client.
Caution Prerequisites
This guide is intended for macOS Systems Administrators, Software Packagers, and Client Systems Administrators. Software packaging and deployment solutions are already in place, such as Jamf Pro, AutoPkg, or Munki Caution 🛑 Requirements
Your deployed User Client version matches the version on your PaperCut Application server 🔎 Components You will need to package the (and launchd.plist if required) and distribute the package to your macOS systems.
User Client The application is responsible for activity tracking and charging. It can be found inside your PaperCut Application Server’s installation path.
Default path is /Applications/PaperCut [NG/MF]/client/
launchd.plist For permanently on-site Macs, where the PaperCut Client app needs to launch on user login and stay running for the entire user session, you should install a launchd plist. For best results store the launchd plist in /Library/LaunchAgents/
If you’re deploying the in /Applications/ then you can use our linked plist -
If you’re using a customized location for the Papercut client app (i.e. /Applications/Utilities/ or /usr/local/) you will need to modify and deploy the following plist. Ensure to replace PathToApplication with your appropriate path.
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC “-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN” “”> <plist version=“1.0”> <dict> <key>Label</key> <string>com.papercut.client.agent</string> <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>/[PathToApplication]/</string> </array> <key>KeepAlive</key> <true/> </dict> </plist> Examples Scenario 1 Info Fleet of macOS systems Domain-joined & launchd.plist via launchctl, deployed with management software Scenario 2 Info Fleet of macOS systems Not domain joined Contains a patterned naming convention i.e. lab-01 lab-02 lab-03 … launchd.plist set to RunAtLoad. Available to users via a management app, by policy or self-service Scenario 3 Info BYOD devices Not domain joined No patterned naming convention deployed via self-service, or alternate printing solutions utilizing PaperCut Mobility Print Email to Print Web Print 🖋️ Notes Info If you wish to keep the running at all times, the launchd.plist file is required For stationary workstations, modify the following: Old ValueNew Valueopen -g -W /[App-Path]/ The above changes will open the client app when the user logs in, and won’t re-open it if they quit the app See Starting the Client on Mac OS with Launchd for further details on using launchd.
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