JVM start up parameters are command-line options and environment variables that can affect the performance characteristics of the Java Virtual Machine which is used to fire up the client application.
Install the PaperCut Client for Mac Right click or Control-Click the PCClient.app application Select ‘Show Package Contents’ Select the ‘Contents’ folder Open for edit ‘Info.plist’ These lines are set by default:
<key>JVMOptions</key> <array> <string>-Dclient.home=$APP_ROOT/Contents/Resources/</string> <string>-Dcom.apple.macos.useScreenMenuBar=true</string> <string>-Xmx256m</string> <string>-Xdock:icon=$APP_ROOT/Contents/Resources/client-icon.icns</string> </array>
Note: these <string> parameters were added in 14.2 -
<string>-Dcom.apple.macos.useScreenMenuBar=true</string> <string>-Xmx256m</string>
Editing the maximum memory for the Mac Client process
Note: Only edit this value if really necessary. Since restart of the client is required, makes sure that you have the permission to restart the client.
The default maximum memory start up parameter allocates 256 MB for the client.
If you find this is not sufficient, you may increase it: Edit the -Xmx256m value, by setting a higher value, for example: -Xmx384m. That means that the Mac client will consume up to 384 MB.
Save the file and restart the mac client (by click ‘Exit’ on the application’s menu, and start it again).
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