When using a hold/release queue, and using the Override/Change Account Selection during Admin Web Release scenario, the release queue manager user should be able to click the ‘override’ button and choose a shared account to charge the job to at release time.
If you’re not seeing any shared accounts listed for selection, there are a few things to check:
Don’t use the built-in ‘admin’ account for testing The built-in admin account (username ‘admin’) should not be used for charging jobs / tracking jobs, and is more of a system administrator user role, so if you log in with this account, you won’t be able to see any of the shared accounts to charge to in the ‘override’ option.
The solution is to set up another user - either a user with full admin rights who can log into the [servername]:9191/admin URL, or a dedicated Hold/Release Queue Manager user role using the [servername]:9191/release URL.
I’m using a Hold/Release Queue Manager user role, but don’t see any shared accounts listed in the override feature The user or hold/release queue manager overriding the job charge needs to have access to one or more shared accounts in order to select an account.
Go into the Shared Account Security settings under Accounts → [select account] → Security and make sure that the account overriding the charge has access to the Shared Account.
Note that you don’t have to set the ‘Account Selection’ for either user to a Shared Account option - they can be left as e.g. ‘Charge to Personal Account’ without any impact on the override feature.
Can I use this feature in the Release Station Software interface? Currently the override option isn’t available in the Standard Release Station interface. Users logging in there will see the normal Print/Cancel options.
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