“Help! I’m a PaperCut partner or System Administrator, and I want to configure the pre-defined allowed amounts that users can top up their accounts with using our Payment Gateway. How do I make this change?”
Steps Log onto the server running PaperCut. Navigate to the Payment Gateway configuration file. On a typical PaperCut MF server running Windows, this would be found in C:\Program Files\PaperCut MF\server\lib-ext\ and the file should be titled ext-payment-gateway-<your payment gateway type>.properties. Open up this file in Notepad or any text editing program. Find the line that contains allowed-amounts=. For example: paypal.allowed-amounts=2.00,5.00,10.00. Edit this line to contain the desired allowed amounts. Then restart the server or the PaperCut Primary Application Server Service for these changes to take effect. See: Stopping and Starting (Restarting) PaperCut Services. Still have questions? Let us know! We love chatting about what’s going on under the hood. Feel free to leave a comment below or visit our Support Portal for further assistance.
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