Hiding the PaperCut Service Account from the login screen on macOS print servers On macOS print servers (systems that you set up as a Primary or Secondary server), PaperCut NG/MF creates a service account. This account is used to run the various services and processes required to track printing. Running as a service account allows the administrator to manage access control and have more comfort in the security of the system than if those processes ran as root (a security faux pas).
Prior to version v13.1, this service account would be displayed on the login screen of mac0S print servers by default, despite it not being a regular user account that anyone could log in as (it has no password). In version v13.1 and newer this account is hidden from the login screen by default.
To hide this user from the login screen in versions prior to v13.1 the following command can be used in a Terminal window:
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow HiddenUsersList -array-add 'papercut'
Removing the ‘PaperCut Host User’ after uninstalling PaperCut This account should have been removed when the Uninstall.command script was run. However if you have recently removed PaperCut NG/MF from your macOS system, but you’re still seeing a ‘PaperCut Host User’ listed in the users panel, it can be removed manually:
The account can be manually removed by either using the Netinfo tool, or using the following command at the command-line as follows:
1. Open Utilities → Terminal
2. Enter: sudo dscl . delete /users/papercut
Enter your password if/when requested.
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