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Note: This page lists all the ‘Legacy’ articles in the KB. These are kept in case anyone is running older versions of the product, or in case older solutions are still being used… however, most of the time this is older information that is no longer needed.
How-to Articles [Legacy] Automating printer management in a school, university or education environment [Legacy] Configuring Squid on Linux to authenticate with Active Directory [Legacy] Enabling user client notifications on Windows when balloon tips are disabled [Legacy] Importing SSL Certificates in Linux [Legacy] Installing and configuring SquidNT [Legacy] Presto iOS Printing [Legacy] Upgrading PaperCut ChargeBack Migrate from PaperCut iOS Print to PaperCut Mobility Print Removing the “PaperCut Host User” Account on the Mac Troubleshooting Articles [Legacy] iOS Print Options (Black and White / Double Sided) FAQ [Legacy] Working with popup messages Reference Articles Known Issues End User Articles
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